None of us is lucky enough to have strong and naturally shinning hairs with zero hair-fall. The problems of hair loss and unhealthy hairs is everywhere in our society. The men and women use different shampoos, chemically made conditioners and adopt various styling ways which are all good for nothing, because there is no alternate to natural ways. So here comes the top 10 best tips how to have strong hairs.
10. Use Listerine Spray
Listerine is a natural ingredient which helps us killing the body and hair germs. The use of Listerine stray will be effective to strengthen your hair follicles. Make sure you at-least twice a week spray your hairs with Listerine to have wonderful results.
9. Control Your Stress and Tensions
It is absolutely true that stress and tensions are the two key factors to weaken our hairs. These days, we have so much work to do; the hectic routines as well as the urge of competing the world have all made us restless. But you have to create a balance in life, because too much stress and tensions taken will lead you loss your hairs and create other health problems.
8. Avoid hot Oil for Scalps
If you think that by putting on hot oil onto your hair scalps will be of help, then that won’t. It can instead damage the real shine and natural structure of the hairs, so better you avoid putting hot oil onto your head. Make sure it is of medium temperature, neither hot nor cold.
7. Intake regular Proteins
Proteins are essential for our bones and hairs. Those who have hair fall or are troubled with damaged hairs should make proteins a part of their daily diets. Try to intake diets like milk, eggs, fish etc. which are rich source of proteins.
6. Consume Gelatin
Gelatin is a naturally touting product for making your hairs and nails strong. Try to intake dry gelatin mixed with your desired fruit juice or a glass of milk. This will definitely help you have long and shiny hairs in a couple of weeks.
5. Use Olive oil or Coconut oil
Nourishing your hair follicles with either olive oil or coconut oil will be quite ideal. Massage your hairs at least thrice a week with any of these two oils with keen attention. Make sure the oil has been applied to each and every part of your head, so that the hairs can be strengthened naturally.
4. No Junk foods please
The use of junk foods and soft drinks has become a habit of everyone. Burgers, pizzas, French fries and other junk eatables not only create obesity like problems in the consumers but also their extreme use can lead loss the hairs’ natural glow. We need to maintain a balance in life. Those who have serious hair fall problems should say a permanent good bye to junk foods.
3. Eat Healthy
Healthy diets have absolutely no alternate. We should try to eat vegetables, fruits and grains in excess. The diets containing iron, vitamins and zinc will be quite ideal for your hairs. Have much green vegetables, apples and other fresh fruits which are helpful in nourishing your hair follicles.
2. Natural Hair trimming
Trimming can help you unlock the damaged ends of the hairs. If you can trim your hairs naturally at home, then that’s wonderful but if you cannot then settle a weekly appointment with your hair expert. Ask him/her to trim your hairs once in a week so that you can get rid of those damaged and unhealthy hairs.
1. Have much Water
When it comes to enlist the top 10 best tips how to have strong hairs, then I have noticed that many of us forget to talk about the significant role of water. Take at least eight to ten glass of water every day as water is not only essential for your body but also for hairs. It will nourish and help your hairs grow fast and will maintain their natural strength.
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